Hello bloggers what are you up to ?
I went to pals on Thursday and it was really good we lert to be a better leader and learn some new games and how to play them it was really fun and we went to 2 groups in some of the games it was really exciting at first when we got to play some games and them they talk a lot about how to be a leader and get better at it and I have learnt a lot from that and I am thankful thats I got to go there and then it was lunch time we ate our food first and then we got to play in the playground and there was a lot of fitness stuff and there was a skate park that we got to play in to and it was really fun going down the rap for the skate part it was my favorite part of the hole thing other than getting to lean to be a better pals to the other children in your school
have you gies been there before ?