
Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Episode 3 Bus


Here is my next blog about camp and this one is about the bus weel how do I start here I go it was really hot .

As you can probably tell and it was really cold when we first hopped in the bus then I got really hot so then I had to take of my jersey bt that is ok i am in the middle of the bus and I got a little sick on parts of the ride because it was really movie I got really really hot have you ever been on a bus ? what have you felt like when you where on the bus ? 

Here is my DLO 

Bye Bloggers see you on my next episode

Episode 2 Avalanche falls

Hello bloggers .

How are you? I am Delilah from Yaldhurst Model School and I am still a year 6 well let's get started Avalanche falls fun exciting and cold it was the beast !Sorry don't have any photos  but I can tell it it was really cold I got frost bite there where 375 steps from when we started to get to the top it was really fun . Have you ever been there before ? well I have .

By bloggers   

Hope you enjoyed it.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Student Summit 2020 😁😁

 Hello blogger, 

Hello I am Delilah and I am a year 6 at Yaldhurst Model School. How do I start today we had student summit it was really fun we had 4 shesens and because of covid - 19 we had to do it online and it was good but bad at the same time because the internet was not working good because a lot of people were online my first shesen was 

1. How to use prezi

2.SHS Pixton Comics

3. YMS Creative Writing with Comix

4.HPS Mihi Maker

They were all really good except the internet made it bad.

Here is one of the workshops that I did I used for my DLO

Bye hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

My first episode of camp hope you like it

 Hello bloggers, 

Day 1

Camp well how do I start well 

Castle hill

 So fun some people did a scooby doo which is when someone slides down a hill and one of friends banans did a scooby doo and also it was really really cold. We also stopped there for some morning tea  and that was when the banana did a scooby doo .


Have you ever gone to castle hill before?

Here is a dlo about castle hill